
We all have moments in life which define us, but more importantly, we have moments in life that slap us upside the head, kick us in the rear, and shake us into realizing the opportunity we have to redefine and refine ourselves.

There seems no better way for me to do a little redefining than by seeking new information through good books, wise people, and regular meditation.

However, it is not enough for me to simply acquire new knowledge; I must internalize and apply that information over a substantial period of time for a true change to manifest ... even a change of heart.

Therefore, as a writer (and a teacher of writing) it makes sense for me to process what I am reading through writing about it. E.M. Forster said it best, "How can I know what I think 'til I see what I say." (I can't wait to see what I think.)

Please be patient with me as I analyze and process what I am reading. You may not agree with everything I write; heck, you may not agree with anything I write! I welcome any thoughtful challenge or insight which will help me on this journey, especially if you have read any of the literary works I mention.

So, here I sit, my cheeks red, my back-side throbbing, my neck aching from whiplash, and my nightstand covered with over a dozen books, hoping someone out there will understand and connect with what I write. If that someone is you, please let me know by leaving a comment. (And, as the saying goes, "If you can't say anything nice-LY" ... well, then I probably won't publish it. I don't expect all comments to be complimentary, but I do expect respectful responses.)